Udemy #3: Udemy Tips in Internal Marketing - Unofficial

UDEMY Course Marketing Tips - Brand yourself as a Udemy instructor & brand Udemy courses to skyrocket sales. Unofficial

4.90 (33 reviews)
Online Education
Udemy #3: Udemy Tips in Internal Marketing - Unofficial
1 hour
Feb 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

BRAND yourself as an instructor

KNOW how to make changes to their Profile description

LEARN how to stand out as instructor among many Udemy instructors

CONCENTRATE on quality of an instructor

BRAND the courses

CREATE courses that have an identity

UNDERSTAND buyers "Eureka" moments

PLAN courses that help students progress

SEE the transition of letting students BRAND them

INSPIRE students to participate

DRAW students to come out like magnets

FOCUS on the students

IDENTIFY Red Carpet Students

TURN students to become life-long friends

TAP into the Power of Students Engagement

RUN with these skills

Why take this course?

This Course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.

Udemy Success 3 - Udemy Marketing Tips for Udemy Instructors - Learn how to brand yourself as a Udemy Instructor!

Do you notice that many students buy Udemy Instructors' courses as soon as the new course comes out?  And often times, they buy the Instructors' new courses even before they have a chance to look at their promotional videos?  They seem to trust the Instructor so much already!

And sometimes when I look at my dashboard, I see NEW students buying my courses one after another within the span of 5 minutes, isn't this incredible?  It is as if the student suddenly found you:  "Eureka!"  And the sales on the dashboard continue and continue until all your courses are bought by that same student!  I have had that happening to me many times at Udemy. 

Why do students do that?

And then you see other Udemy instructors struggling and busying themselves with lots of promotion and marketing effort, but people are 'not biting'.  They are not buying their courses. Is this your situation?  I am here to help and that's why I created this course for you!

Here's the Udemy Secret:  You need to understand that when it comes to marketing your courses, there are 2 streams:  internal marketing & external marketing.  Which one do you think is more important?  Too many people go right into the 'external' marketing without spending enough time to get their 'internal' marketing effectively going. 

Internal marketing MUST precede external marketing.  Once you get internal marketing going, the external marketing is easy to do!

Udemy is a powerful platform for Udemy instructors to do internal marketing.  And even in  'internal marketing' at Udemy, there is ONE secret tip of marketing that takes FIRST PRIORITY - Branding yourself as a Udemy Instructor!

Tap into this Udemy Marketing Tip:  There are many Udemy instructors in the Udemy platform and you need to 'stand out' among the thousands of instructors there.  If your name does not even strike any bell in the Udemy platform, even if there are millions of students out there, they are no use to you. They won't be knocking at your door.  This is what I have learned in the past year at Udemy.  You must learn to BRAND yourself as an Instructor! That is your top priority in marketing your courses.

People ask me why I am successful. You need to become a 5G Instructor! Learn from my experience as you market your Udemy courses:

1.  Brand yourself as a Udemy Instructor.

2.  Brand your courses to create Marketing Conversion Funnel! 

  • Just think! It is difficult to have one student coming in.

  • Once they come in, magnetize them to buy all your courses!

3.  Students are gold. Move to the point to have your students BRANDING you!

In this course, you will learn the following Marketing Tips in Branding Yourself:

A. You - The Instructor

Marketing Tip 1: Let your profile sell

Marketing Tip 2: Title sells also

Marketing Tip 3: Your Face also speaks

Marketing Tip 4: Frame it

Marketing Tip 5: Brand in Different Expertise

Marketing Tip 6: Brand yourself as a 5G Instructor

B.  Your Courses - Branding Your Courses for Marketing Conversion Funnel

Marketing Tip 7: Marketing Funnel with FREE Courses

Marketing Tip 8: Reviews flow

Marketing Tip 9: Eureka! I have found you

Marketing Tip 10: Marketing Funnel in the Power of Look Alike

Marketing Tip 11: Marketing Funnel in the Power of Progressive Learning

Marketing Tip 12: Power in the Specifics and not in the General

C. Your Focus - Students are GOLD

Marketing Tip 13: Students are your PRIMARY focus!

Marketing Tip 14: Give students a unique experience

Marketing Tip 15: Students are so willing to write Reviews

Marketing Tip 16: Power of Students Engagement - Be Specific

Marketing Tip 17: Take a Picture & Post It - More Interesting

Marketing Tip 18: Students come out like Magnets

Marketing Tip 19: Students like to be Recognized

Marketing Tip 20: Bonding with Students

Marketing Tip 21: Aim for the transition - Students start branding you

I wish you every success as your fellow Udemy instructor,


Rosa's Online School:   

  • Teaching 27 Courses on Business Successes - Udemy, Kindle, Skillshare! 

  • Teaching 109 Courses on Music & Piano Courses! 

OVER 74,000 Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with 1877 - 5 Star Reviews   

Course recently Updated:  November, 2023   

Our review

🌟 **Course Review: Enhancing Your Udemy Course Strategy** 🌟 **Introduction:** This course, taught by expert instructor Rosa, is designed for Udemy instructors looking to refine their approach to creating and marketing their courses. With a focus on internal branding and strategic planning, the course promises to enhance your course's visibility and effectiveness without requiring additional financial investment. The high ratings it has received from recent reviewers reflect its impact and value. **Pros:** - **Simple Yet Effective Strategies:** The course offers straightforward ideas that are easy to implement and not overly time-consuming, making it accessible for instructors at any stage of their career. - **Comprehensive Content:** Reviewers have praised the course for its thorough content, which covers a wide range of topics from branding to student engagement. - **Practical Tips and Immediate Actionable Insights:** The course provides specific tasks that can be executed right away, allowing instructors to see immediate improvements in their courses and profiles. - **Highly Recommended for Beginners and Experienced Instructors Alike:** Even those who consider themselves knowledgeable about Udemy course creation have found value in Rosa's teachings. - **Easy to Understand and Apply:** The course is well-organized, making complex concepts easy to grasp and apply, as noted by several satisfied learners. - **Responsive Instructor:** Rosa has been praised for her responsiveness to student questions and concerns. - **Cost-Effective Marketing Techniques:** The course emphasizes the importance of internal branding, which can lead to significant sales improvements at no extra cost. - **Positive Impact on Instructor's Heart and Intention:** The course encourages instructors to approach their teaching with integrity and a heartfelt desire to help students, which is essential in creating a strong connection with learners. **Cons:** - **May Be Overlapping for Some Experienced Users:** A few reviewers mentioned that some of the content was already familiar to them, though they still found the course valuable for its comprehensive approach. **Course Highlights:** - **Actionable Advice on Promotional Sales:** The course discusses how to significantly increase enrollments through promotional sales, a point highlighted by Arun Nagarathanam (inspirearun). - **Emphasis on the 5G's:** A unique marketing approach outlined in the course, as noted by one reviewer. - **Direct Line for Assistance:** Rosa provides direct support from her dashboard, which was described as "priceless" by one satisfied learner. - **Immediate Improvements Reported:** Instructors have reported seeing an increase in enrollments and engagement shortly after applying the course's strategies. - **Professional Branding Tips:** The course offers advice on how to appear more professional while remaining approachable, which is crucial for establishing credibility on Udemy. **Conclusion:** This Udemy course stands out for its emphasis on internal branding and its practical, actionable advice. It is highly recommended for anyone looking to enhance their course strategy, whether they are new to Udemy or seeking to refine their existing approach. The positive feedback from a wide range of learners underscores the course's relevance and effectiveness in helping instructors achieve their goals on the platform. πŸ“š **Overall Rating:** ⭐⭐⭐½ (4.5/5) based on recent reviews. πŸ“š



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