Serving Static Angular 5 Apps using AWS S3 & Cloudfront

A complete hands on course to create, manage and host Angular5/Static website using AWS S3 & Cloudfront under 1 hour

4.10 (64 reviews)
Web Development
Serving Static Angular 5 Apps using AWS S3 & Cloudfront
1.5 hours
Feb 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Create Sample Angular 5 Application

Understand Static Website Hosting using AWS S3

Understand the concepts of CDN using AWS CloudFront

Understand the concepts of Route53 and manage DNS

Why take this course?

--- **Course Headline:** 🚀 **Serving Static Angular 5 Apps using AWS S3 & Cloudfront: Master the Art of Hosting under 1 Hour!** --- **Course Description:**

Are you eager to delve into the world of AWS and unravel its powerful concepts? Do you feel a bit lost amidst the technical jargon surrounding servers and configurations? Are you a developer who crafts incredible apps but struggles to bring them 🌐 LIVE? Or perhaps you're aiming to introduce your app with a scalable, cost-effective solution that can handle any amount of traffic?

Whatever your situation, this meticulously crafted course is tailor-made for you. Designed with simplicity, scalability, reliability, and affordability at its core, it's the perfect guide to help you navigate the AWS ecosystem, particularly focusing on Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront to host static Angular 5 apps or any single-page application.

--- **Why Take This Course?**
  • Easy to Manage: You'll learn how to manage your application with minimal effort and maximum control.
  • Scales Efficiently: Discover how AWS services can scale seamlessly, ensuring your app performs well, no matter the number of users.
  • Reliable: Build a hosting solution that is dependable and consistently available for your users.
  • Cost-Effective: Learn how to maintain a low cost while ensuring high availability and scalability for your application.
--- **What You Will Learn:**

In this comprehensive course, you will gain hands-on experience with the following concepts:

  • Angular Framework Installation: Get started with setting up Angular on your machine and build a sample application.
  • AWS S3 for Hosting Static Websites: Learn how to host static websites directly from an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Amazon CloudFront Configuration: Configure CloudFront to work in conjunction with your S3 buckets, ensuring a fast and secure content delivery experience.
  • DNS Configuration: Understand how to set up Domain Name System (DNS) using popular services like GoDaddy and Amazon Route 53.
--- **Course Benefits:**

By the end of this course, you will not only understand how to host your Angular 5 app but also have the skills to serve it effectively using AWS S3 and CloudFront. This will enable you to handle any amount of user traffic in a simple, efficient, and cost-effective manner. You'll be ready to go LIVE with confidence, knowing that your application is supported by one of the most robust cloud platforms in the world.

I hope this course empowers you to unlock the potential of AWS for your Angular apps. Let's embark on this journey together! Enroll now and let's get your app live in no time!

--- **Enroll Now and Transform Your Application Hosting Experience with AWS S3 & CloudFront! 🌟**


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Our review

--- **Overall Course Review** The course has received a solid rating of 4.10 from recent reviews, indicating a high level of satisfaction among learners. The feedback suggests that the course provides practical information that is applicable to deploying applications on AWS, particularly focusing on S3, CloudFront, and Route 53. It is recognized as a valuable resource for gaining foundational knowledge in these areas. **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Coverage:** The course effectively covers the basics of S3 for website hosting, CloudFront for caching, and Route 53 for DNS management. - **Practical Application:** Learners find the information useful for deploying their own applications and understand how to apply the concepts learned. - **Step-by-Step Instructions:** The course is praised for its detailed, step-by-step guidance on setting up a static site with AWS services. - **Real-World Relevance:** The content is considered relevant and enlightening for those who have been using AWS services like S3 and CloudFront but desire to deepen their understanding or clarify certain configurations. - **Clear Explanations:** The explanations provided are described as concrete, making complex concepts understandable. - **Recommended for Professionals:** It is highly recommended for developers and DevOps engineers looking to learn about AWS hosting benefits and best practices. **Cons:** - **Pacing Concerns:** Some learners found Sai Kiran's pacing to be slow, which may affect the engagement level of more rapid learners. - **SSL Certificate Installation:** A notable gap in the course content is the absence of information on installing SSL certificates, which some users believe is an essential part of setting up a secure static site. - **Advanced Topics Mentioned but Not Covered:** The course mentions serverless and Lambda functions but does not delve into these topics, which might be a disappointment for learners interested in these areas. - **Missing Details on Configuration:** Some specific details are missing, such as explaining why static website hosting was enabled or demonstrating the 404 redirect to index.html functioning on CloudFront. **Additional Feedback:** - **Completion Suggestions:** To enhance the course's completeness and accuracy, some learners suggest adding coverage of SSL certificates and providing more in-depth explanations of certain configurations and functionalities, such as the 404 redirect behavior on CloudFront. - **Real-World Testing:** Learners indicate their intention to test the course's advice in real-world scenarios, which could provide valuable feedback for further course improvements. **Conclusion:** Overall, this course is a valuable asset for anyone looking to learn about deploying static websites on AWS using S3, CloudFront, and Route 53. It is praised for its practical approach and clear explanations but could be improved by addressing the gaps mentioned in the reviews, such as including SSL certificate installation and providing more comprehensive coverage of advanced topics and specific configurations. With these enhancements, the course would likely meet the expectations of a wider audience seeking to expand their AWS knowledge and skills.



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