Curso de Reclutamiento online y Técnicas de Headhunting

Aprende a reclutar como un headhunter profesional

4.50 (312 reviews)
Human Resources
Curso de Reclutamiento online y Técnicas de Headhunting
3 hours
May 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Reclutamiento online


Reclutamiento 4.0

Employer Branding

Reclutamiento en Linkedin

Why take this course?

En este curso aprenderás:

  • Qué es el Reclutamiento online (2.0, 3.0 y 4.0),

  • Las herramientas más utilizadas por los reclutadores y headhunters,

  • Técnicas avanzadas de headhunting como son las búsquedas booleanas

  • Estrategias de Employer Branding para atraer y retener talento.

Podrás empezar a reclutar como un heahdunter profesional y buscar talento a través de internet.


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Our review

--- **Overall Course Rating: 4.39** ### **Course Review** #### **Pros:** - **Practical and Current Content:** The course is described as highly practical, tailored to meet the needs of today's job market, with a commendable blend of theory and real-world application. - *Student Testimonial:* "100% práctico y adaptado a las necesidades actuales." - **Clear and Explicit Instructions:** The course content is presented in a clear and understandable manner, which is particularly appreciated by beginners in the field of recruitment. - *Student Testimonial:* "Creo que es un curso bastante interesante... la explicacion, firme, clara." - **Specialized for Latin America and Spain:** The course's focus on these regions is highlighted as a valuable aspect of the curriculum. - *Student Testimonial:* "Apreciar la hecho que el curso esté específicamente orientado al reclutamiento en Latinoamérica y España." - **Comprehensive Content:** The course covers a wide range of topics within recruitment and selection, offering a complete learning experience. - *Student Testimonial:* "Es un curso bastante completo..." - **Useful for Various Skill Levels:** The material is praised for its applicability to individuals ranging from beginners to those with more extensive knowledge in recruitment. - *Student Testimonial:* "Esta muy bien preparado el curso ya que no tengo conocimiento en la área..." - **Practical Demonstrations:** The course receives praise for showing how to use each platform, with specific details for each network, making the learning process more engaging. - *Student Testimonial:* "Me gustó mucho la forma de explicar mostrando cómo usar cada plataforma..." - **Educational Value:** The course is seen as an essential update and knowledge source for those involved in human resources and recruitment. - *Student Testimonial:* "Un curso con la información adecuada para actualizar y conocer como usar las redes de reclutamiento..." #### **Cons:** - **Audio Quality Issues:** Some students report issues with audio quality in videos starting from the middle of section 3, which can affect learning if not understood completely. - *Student Feedback:* "Hasta el momento me está gustando, lo veo todo muy claro y bien explicado, y me parece que el temario es muy adecuado... sin embargo, los subtítulos obstruyen la visibilidad de imágenes y postales de contenido, en ocasiones el sonido es malo y no se alcanza a entender del todo." - **Audio and Subtitle Interference:** Some videos have subtitles that obscure images and posts, and the audio is not always clear enough to be understood fully. - *Student Feedback:* "Creo que es un curso bastante interesante... pero si no se escucha completamente no se puede percibir y aprender de forma óptima." - **Content Relevance:** A few students mention that the course content is not entirely applicable to their specific professional scenario, particularly those working in government agencies. - *Student Feedback:* "Me gustó el curso! Me gustó mucho la forma de explicar mostrando cómo usar cada plataforma y los detalles propios de cada una... Pero estoy cogiendo el curso pero es sumamente aburrido y no puedo aplicarlo a mi escenario Laboral que es una Agencia de Gobierno." - **Need for Updates:** Some students suggest that the course material could benefit from more recent updates, with the latest update being in May 2020. - *Student Feedback:* "De verdad si estoy cogiendo el curso pero es sumamente aburrido y no puedo aplicarlo a mi escenario Laboral que es una Agencia de Gobierno... y la ultima actualizacion del curso fue en mayo del 2020." ### **Conclusion:** Overall, the course is highly praised for its practical nature, clear instruction, and specialized focus on Latin America and Spain. It is considered a comprehensive learning tool for those in recruitment and selection processes. However, there are notable issues with audio quality in certain sections that need attention, as well as a suggestion for more recent updates to ensure relevance in various professional contexts. Despite these few drawbacks, the course remains a valuable educational resource with mostly positive feedback from students.



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Enrollment distribution

Curso de Reclutamiento online y Técnicas de Headhunting - Distribution chart
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