Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro

Don't just be a good programmer, become a great one, because that is what matters.

4.44 (11855 reviews)
Programming Languages
Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro
4.5 hours
Jan 2015
last update
regular price

What you will learn

understand object orientation in javascript

write functional programs in javascript

know some pitfalls and how to avoid them

write rich internet applications (AJAX style)

Why take this course?

๐ŸŒŸ **Course Headline:** **Unlock Your Full Potential: Master JavaScript with Expert Guidance** ๐ŸŽ‰ **Course Title:** "**Learn to Program in JavaScript: Beginner to Pro**" ๐Ÿš€ **Course Description:** Why Learn JavaScript? Javascript is the backbone of web development, enabling you to bring pages to life with dynamic and interactive elements. If you're aiming to thrive in the digital world, mastering JavaScript is non-negotiable. This comprehensive course is designed to guide you from a beginner to a proficient JavaScript programmer, ensuring you have a solid grasp of the language that powers over 80% of websites on the internet today! What You'll Learn: - **The Basics:** We'll cover all the fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures in JavaScript. - **Advanced Topics:** Dive into more complex subjects like closures, higher-order functions, and asynchronous programming with promises and async/await. - **Functional Programming:** Learn to harness the power of functional programming paradigms that make your code more readable and maintainable. - **Comparison with Other Languages:** If you're already familiar with languages like Java or C#, we'll help you understand the differences and similarities between these and JavaScript, ensuring a smoother learning curve. - **Best Practices & Pitfalls to Avoid:** Navigate through common bugs and traps in JavaScript, so you can write cleaner, more efficient code and avoid common mistakes. Why This Course? This course stands out with its clear, step-by-step approach that breaks down seemingly complex topics into manageable pieces. Raghavendra Dixit, our expert instructor, will guide you through the nuances of JavaScript, offering practical examples and real-world applications to solidify your learning experience. Course Structure: 1. **Introduction to JavaScript:** Get started with an overview of what JavaScript is and why it's essential for web development. 2. **Core Concepts:** Understand the building blocks of JavaScript, from syntax to data manipulation. 3. **Advanced Features Explored:** Delve into advanced topics like modules, error handling, and prototypes. 4. **Functional Programming in JavaScript:** Learn how to leverage functional programming to write more expressive and concise code. 5. **Asynchronous Programming:** Master asynchronous patterns that are critical for modern web applications. 6. **Comparing JavaScript with Other Languages:** A comparative study to ease the transition from other programming languages. 7. **Best Practices and Code Optimization:** Learn techniques to write clean, efficient code and troubleshoot common issues. 8. **Final Project:** Apply what you've learned by completing a comprehensive project that will showcase your new JavaScript skills. ๐ŸŽ“ By the end of this course, you won't just be a JavaScript developer; you'll be equipped to think like one. You'll have the practical expertise to tackle any JavaScript challenge and the confidence to build dynamic, responsive web applications. Join us on this journey to turn your coding dreams into reality. Enroll in "**Learn to Program in JavaScript: Beginner to Pro**" today and take your first step towards becoming a top-notch programmer! ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ปโœจ

Our review

๐ŸŒŸ **Course Review Summary** ๐ŸŒŸ **Overall Rating:** 4.43/5 The course has received consistently positive reviews, with many learners finding it understandable and valuable for both beginners and those looking to solidify their JavaScript knowledge. Here's a breakdown of the feedback: ### Pros: - **Content Understanding**: The teaching technique is highly praised for making content easy to follow and learn. - **Beginner Friendly**: It's reported to be a great introduction to JavaScript, particularly for beginners. - **Comprehensive Coverage**: The course covers essential concepts and offers a good overview of JavaScript basics. - **Engaging Format**: Quizzes are described as interesting and the format keeps learners engaged. - **Clear Explanations**: Instructors explain complex concepts in simple terms, making them easy to grasp. - **Pace and Structure**: The pace is considered just right for various skill levels, from complete beginners to experienced coders. - **Resource Availability**: Most learners find the resources provided to be helpful, although there were a few issues with resource files. ### Cons: - **Limited Scope on JavaScript Features**: Some feel that important topics like DOM manipulation and newer JavaScript syntax (e.g., arrow functions) could be more thoroughly covered. - **Lack of Exercises**: A few reviews suggest that there could be more hands-on exercises, especially involving DOM manipulation. - **Technical Issues**: A small number of learners reported technical difficulties with viewing resources on mobile devices. - **Incomplete Explanations**: Some learners indicate that while the explanations are clear, they occasionally lack depth in certain areas. - **Testing for Understanding**: While quizzes are appreciated, some feel that more detailed feedback would be beneficial after incorrect answers are selected. ### Additional Notes: - **Learner Background**: The course seems to cater well to a range of skill levels, but learners with prior IT education might find it less challenging. - **Resource Accessibility**: Some issues were reported regarding the accessibility and completeness of resources on mobile devices. - **Potential for Further Learning**: Many learners indicate that this course has prepared them for further exploration into JavaScript and related technologies like jQuery and AngularJS. ### Conclusion: This course is highly recommended for individuals looking to start learning JavaScript or to review the basics. It offers clear explanations, a comprehensive curriculum, and engages learners with quizzes. While there are some areas that could be expanded upon, such as DOM manipulation and newer syntax features, the course remains a valuable resource for understanding JavaScript fundamentals. Learners are encouraged to complement this course with additional exercises or resources if they wish to delve deeper into specific topics.



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