Practical Understanding of PHP and MySQL

Learn to understand the core of PHP and MySQL. Take the full course and Build a Database Web App

4.30 (1167 reviews)
Web Development
Practical Understanding of PHP and MySQL
5.5 hours
Jul 2016
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Understand the Practical uses of PHP

Learn to understand PHP Basics

Conceptualize abstract text and convert to PHP codes

Why take this course?

--- **Course Title:** Practical Understanding of PHP and MySQL **Course Headline:** 🚀 **Learn to Understand the Core of PHP and MySQL. Take the Full Course and Build a Database Web App!** 🚀 --- **Why This Course?** For over a decade, I've delved into the intricacies of PHP and MySQL at the college level, and now, I'm excited to share my wealth of knowledge with you—absolutely free! It's not just about learning; it's about understanding. True mastery comes from grasping the fundamentals of a topic, its applications, and knowing exactly when and how to apply your skills. 🧠 **What You'll Learn:** - **Understanding PHP Concepts:** Dive into the core principles of PHP and learn how to apply them effectively in your web projects. - **MySQL Mastery:** Gain a solid foundation in MySQL, and understand how to design, manage, and query databases to store and retrieve data efficiently. - **Practical Application:** Combine your knowledge of PHP and MySQL to build a fully functional web application from scratch. - **Real-World Skills:** Not just for theory—you'll learn practical skills that are highly sought after in the job market. **Course Highlights:** - **Expert Instruction:** Benefit from my years of experience teaching these subjects at a college level, with a focus on clear explanations and comprehensive understanding. - **Hands-On Learning:** Engage in practical, hands-on learning experiences that will help you internalize the concepts and apply them confidently. - **Flexible Pacing:** Adjust the video speed to suit your learning style and pace, whether you're just starting out or brushing up on your skills. **Who Is This Course For?** 👩‍💻 **Beginners & Seasoned Pros Alike:** Whether you're new to programming or looking to sharpen your PHP and MySQL skills, this course is designed for all levels. **Testimonials:** - "Vivian": "Paul makes the complex simple. His teaching style allows me to understand what he's saying without overwhelming me." **Join the Learning Journey:** Embark on a journey to understand PHP and MySQL like never before. This course is your stepping stone to building dynamic, database-driven web applications. With clear explanations and practical examples, you'll gain the confidence to tackle real-world projects. 🛠️✨ **Take the Next Step:** Enroll now and start building a solid foundation in PHP and MySQL. Transform your coding skills from novice to expert by understanding how these technologies work together seamlessly. Let's get started on this enlightening journey! --- **Key Takeaways:** - **Decade of Experience:** Tailored insights from over 10 years of college-level teaching. - **Comprehensive Understanding:** Go beyond just learning how to code; understand why certain practices are adopted. - **Practical Application:** Apply your newfound knowledge to create a fully functional web application. - **Flexible Learning Experience:** Adjust the video speed to match your personal pace and comprehension level. **Enroll Today and Transform Your Future in Web Development!** 🌟 --- **Bonus Tips:** - **Consistency is Key:** Dedicate regular time slots for your learning to ensure consistent progress. - **Practice Makes Perfect:** Apply what you learn by working on small projects alongside the course material. - **Engage with the Community:** Join our community forum to discuss concepts, share your projects, and get feedback from fellow learners and instructors. **Ready to dive in? Click 'Enroll' and let's make PHP and MySQL your strong suits!** 👩‍🎓💪


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Our review

🔍 **Global Course Rating:** 4.30 ### **Course Review:** **Pros:** - 🚀 **Detail Explanation:** The course provides a detailed explanation of concepts, making it a "binger's paradise" for learners to grasp the material thoroughly. - 🎯 **Practical Teaching:** Mr. Amissah is praised for his straight-forward, practical teaching approach, ensuring comprehension of each word and instruction. - 🌍 **Beginner to Intermediate Level:** The course is well-suited for beginners and intermediate learners, with a focus on practical application and real-world coding scenarios. - 🛠️ **Comprehensive Content:** It covers a wide range of topics including globals, sessions vars, GET and POST validation, and demonstrates a CRUD operation, which is very detailed and helpful for starters. - 🧠 **Insightful Instructions:** Many learners found the course insightful, particularly in connecting PHP to MySQL databases and learning through real examples. - 🚀 **Well-Experienced Instructor:** The instructor is noted for his steady, well-experienced teaching style and is expected to produce more courses. - 📚 **Easy to Follow and Informative:** The course is structured in a way that is easy to follow, with clear, well-spoken instructions that add to the learner's skills step by step. **Cons:** - 💤 **Sleepy Voice:** Some learners found the lecturer's voice somewhat sleep-inducing, which could impact engagement for those learning online. - ✏️ **Typing Errors and Distractions:** The course contains typing mistakes and corrections that are noticeable and potentially distracting, especially since they were not edited out. - 🚫 **Intrusive Advertisement:** The abrupt ending of the course with an advertisement for another course was received negatively by some learners. - 📹 **Cluttered Workspace:** The workspace in the advanced sections can be cluttered and disorienting, making it difficult to follow along. - 📝 **Basic Level Overemphasis:** For those who already have a basic understanding of PHP, some sections may seem repetitive or unnecessary. - 🛠️ **Sophistication for Online Learning:** The course appears to have been recorded with in-person instruction in mind, which lacks the sophistication of courses designed specifically for online learning. - ✍️ **Spelling Errors:** Spelling errors during advanced PHP sections made the lecture hard to follow for some learners. **Additional Notes:** - 🏅 **High Rating:** One learner gave the course a perfect 10/10, highlighting its informative nature and suggesting practical exercises at the end of each video. - 🛠️ **Room for Improvement:** Some learners suggested that the course could benefit from more advanced content and better editing to remove distractions like typing errors and repetitive reminders. - 🌍 **Global Appeal:** The course has been taken by individuals from various levels of expertise in PHP, with non-beginners also finding it useful for refreshing their skills and learning new concepts. **Overall Verdict:** This is a solid PHP course that provides a comprehensive introduction to the basics and extends into intermediate territory. It's well-liked by many learners but could be improved with better production quality, more advanced content, and editing to remove distractions and repetitive sections.



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