OCS: Gestión de inventario profesional

Mantenga al día el inventario de sus activos tecnológicos en forma centralizada

4.80 (274 reviews)
Network & Security
OCS: Gestión de inventario profesional
5 hours
Apr 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Trabajaremos dentro de nuestro propio laboratorio y todo el contenido del curso sera 100% practico

Al final sera capaz de gestionar todo el inventario tecnológico de su empresa, servidores, puestos de trabajo, software, licencias, usuarios y mucho mas

Instalación del servidor OCS con sus dependencias

Instalación del agente Linux Centos/Redhat

Instalación del agente Windows

Instalación del agente Linux Ubuntu/Debian

Instalación del agente Android (Celulares, Tablets, etc...)

Instalación del agente Windows por política de Dominio

Reconocimiento de las opciones de OCS

Reconociendo dispositivos no inventariados

Integración con GLPI

Configurar SSL en el servidor OCS

Inventario por SNMP

Why take this course?

🎓 **Course Title:** OCS: Gestión de Inventario Profesional
**Course Description:** Are you ready to transform the way you manage your company's technological assets? With "OCS: Gestación de Inventario Profesional," led by the expert Eduardo Nazareno Anselmi, you will learn to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date inventory of all your tech assets—including servers, computers, installed software, licenses, and users. This course is designed for IT professionals who want to streamline their asset management processes and ensure they have a centralized, robust system in place. **Why Take This Course?** ✅ **Master Asset Management:** Gain the skills necessary to track, maintain, and control all of your company's technological assets efficiently. ✅ **Centralized Data:** Learn how to organize and access all inventory data in one place, making it easier than ever to keep accurate records. ✅ **Customizable Solutions:** Discover how to tailor the system to fit the specific needs of your business, ensuring maximum efficiency and control. ✅ **Practical Application:** Set up your own lab environment with a server for inventory, a Linux server, and a Windows server. This hands-on experience will solidify your understanding and proficiency with the tools and techniques covered in the course. **What You Will Learn:** - **Understanding Asset Management:** The importance of tracking technological assets and how it can impact your business's bottom line. - **Installation and Setup:** Step-by-step guidance on installing and configuring the inventory management system within your infrastructure. - **Inventory Control:** Techniques for managing hardware and software assets, including tracking serial numbers, licenses, and warranties. - **User Management:** Methods for keeping track of who is using what resources, ensuring that your inventory reflects current user activities and permissions. - **Reporting and Auditing:** Generate detailed reports to monitor the health of your IT assets and prepare for audits with ease. - **Best Practices:** Implement best practices for maintaining an accurate, up-to-date inventory to avoid over or under purchasing of assets. **Join Eduardo Nazareno Anselmi on this journey to optimize your asset management processes. With "OCS: Gestación de Inventario Profesional," you're not just taking a course; you're investing in the future of your company's technological resources.** 🆕 **Enroll now and secure the efficiency of your IT inventory management!**


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Our review

🏆 **Overall Course Review:** The course has received an overwhelmingly positive response from the recent reviews, with a high average rating. The content is considered very good and applicable to real-world business scenarios. The instructor is commended for having a strong understanding of the subject matter, delivering concise and objective explanations, and keeping the course content up-to-date with market requirements. 📚 **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Coverage:** The course is praised for its thorough explanation of the topics covered, making it highly didactic and easy to understand and implement in a practical setting. - **Practical Application:** Many users have successfully implemented the course material in their organizations, reporting good results post-implementation. - **Didactic Methodology:** The course's step-by-step approach is appreciated, with users finding it very practical and learning-friendly. - **Useful Material:** The supplementary materials provided by the instructor are found to be of much utility. - **Recommendation:** Students strongly recommend the course and have applied their knowledge from it to various projects, confirming its real-world applicability. 🔄 **Cons:** - **Version Updates:** Several reviews suggest that the course content could benefit from an update to reflect the latest versions of OCS Inventory and related software like SNMP, IPDiscover, GLPI, etc., particularly with references to OCS Inventory version 2.9 and above. - **Feature Expansion:** Some users have indicated a desire for additional details on features such as CVE and plugin creation, suggesting that these aspects could be expanded upon. - **Actualization Needs:** A few reviews mention encountering errors when applying the course content to newer versions of the software, indicating the need for recent updates or actualization within the course material. - **Documentation Supplement:** Users recommend seeking additional documentation to complement the course due to version discrepancies. 📝 **Suggestions for Improvement:** - **Update Content:** Incorporate the latest software versions and resolve any issues that arise when applying the course content to these newer versions. - **Expand on Advanced Features:** Provide more in-depth information on advanced functionalities like CVE and plugins, which could enhance the user's skill set. - **Clearer Installation Guidance:** Offer more detailed installation instructions, especially for users with limited Linux knowledge, to ensure a smoother setup process. In summary, the course is highly recommended for its valuable content and practical approach, but it would benefit from updates to align with the latest software versions and some additional detail on advanced features. Users are enthusiastic about the course and have found significant value in the material provided, with many successfully applying their new skills to enhance their organizations' operations.



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Enrollment distribution

OCS: Gestión de inventario profesional - Distribution chart

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