Early development according to the Makoto Shichida method

Научитесь проводить занятия на развитие фотографической памяти, интуиции, воображения, логики, моторики и сенсорики

4.85 (22 reviews)
Teacher Training
Early development according to the Makoto Shichida method
5.5 hours
Dec 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Как проводить занятия по раннему развитию с детьми от 1 до 6 лет в детских центрах развития и детских садах

развитие фотографической памяти

развитие воображения, образного мышления, интуиции

Why take this course?

Курс подготовлен для педагогов раннего развития. Он включает в себя теорию, демонстрацию всех практических упражнений от автора и на живых примерах из центров развития.

К каждой лекции приложен конспект с основными тезисами, разработана система отработки практических заданий и предоставлены все материалы для его выполнения в рабочих условиях педагога.

Во время прохождения курса педагоги научатся выполнять все необходимые упражнения на тренировку:

- фотографической памяти

- экстрасенсорных способностей

- дыхательной гимнастики

- сенсорики (для 4-х органов чувств)

- моторики

- логики

- творчества

Бонусные материалы к курсу:

- как готовить материалы,

- техническое оснащение для занятий,

- краткий урок по Photoshop для педагога

- как проводить занятия по методике online

Проходить курс лучше постепенно, отрабатывая на практике каждое новое упражнение. Все практические материалы подготовлены таким образом, что с каждой новой темой в практике даются задания и на предыдущие. Таким образом, по окончании курса Вы гарантированно отработаете все упражнения и наберете опыт проведения каждого из них.

Всегда можно задать все интересующие вопросы лично автору курса, потому что Олеся всегда открыта к общению. Спрашивать можно все, что Вас интересует. Мы считаем, что чем больше людей владеют методикой, тем более развитых детей с важными навыками мы сможем вырастить.

Так же будет здорово, если Вы снимите видео своих практических упражнений и отправите автору - тогда можно получить больше обратной связи.

Our review

🌟 **Global Course Rating: 4.85** 🌟 ## **Overview of the Course** The course on early development using the methodology of Professor Makoto Shichida has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from recent students. The content is presented in a clear and engaging manner, with a strong emphasis on practical applications that can be implemented using readily available materials. This is particularly beneficial during times like the current pandemic, where resources may be limited or access to centers may be restricted. ### **Pros of the Course** - 🎓 **Comprehensive and Clear Instructions**: The course materials are explained in a manner that is easy to understand, making it accessible to educators and parents alike. - 🧠 **Practical Approach**: Many practical examples are provided, allowing users to visualize how to apply the methodology in real-life scenarios, including with games and activities. - 🌱 **Engagement with Diverse Age Groups**: The course covers not just early development but also provides insights on how to adapt the methodology for older children and even adults. - 📚 **Rich Content with Practical Applications**: The course includes detailed instructions, especially for activities involving Tangrams, which was a significant area of interest for many learners. - ✨ **Resourceful Supplementary Materials**: Users have access to additional resources that can be used in their teaching or parenting, such as templates for Photoshop that were highly praised by students. - 🤝 **Community and Support**: The course fosters a sense of community among learners, with many expressing gratitude for the supportive environment. - 🚀 **Empowerment for Educators and Parents**: The course equips users with tools and techniques that empower them to conduct full sessions based on the Shichida methodology or integrate its principles into their existing practices. ### **Cons of the Course** - 🔍 **Limited Feedback on Criticism**: As the reviews are generally positive, there is a lack of constructive criticism that could help improve the course further. - ⏱️ **Time Investment for Full Implementation**: Some users may find it necessary to invest more time to fully understand and implement the methodology across various age groups and scenarios. ### **Personal Testimonials** - **"Exceptional Experience and Knowledge Gained"**: One learner expressed deep appreciation for the new knowledge gained from the course, emphasizing the simplicity and interest with which the materials are presented. - **"Highly Practical and Applicable"**: Another user highlighted the course's practicality, noting that it can be applied directly to their work with preschoolers and even adapted for older children and adults. - **"Enhanced Engagement and Development"**: The course has been credited with creating unique and engaging sessions that facilitate the development of children, as well as offering a fresh approach to teaching and parenting. ### **Conclusion** The Shichida Early Development Course offers an exceptional learning experience for educators and parents looking to enhance early childhood development using Professor Makoto Shichida's methodology. The course's strengths lie in its practical, clear, and engaging approach, which is complemented by a wealth of supplementary materials and resources. While there are minimal drawbacks, the positive feedback suggests that the course is highly effective and beneficial for those seeking to enrich their teaching or parenting practices.



Early development according to the Makoto Shichida method - Price chart


Early development according to the Makoto Shichida method - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Early development according to the Makoto Shichida method - Distribution chart
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