Train the Trainer Serenity: How to Handle Challenging People

57 Proven Techniques From 20 Different Case Studies To Manage The 8 Most Difficult Types Of People In the Workplace.

4.46 (2089 reviews)
Train the Trainer Serenity: How to Handle Challenging People
2 hours
Aug 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Deal with distractions and interruptions by keeping the talk hogs at bay by setting boundaries…

Get the experts on your side by giving them the spotlight with expert questions, leadership opportunities and 1-on-1 time…

Simmer down the know-it-alls by separating them from the experts and non-verbally making them feel cared about…

Use the one sentence intervention to handle any type of disruptive behavior and get people back on track…

Handle negative people by offering choices and using logical consequences to sidestep the power struggles…

Handle the fault finders and their tough issues by listening to them, establishing ground rules and handing it back to them…

Shut down hecklers and control anger and anxiety and then motivate your employees to listen and perform…

Placate resenters by re-establishing the relationship and showing that you care…

Stimulate inattentive people with encouragement, arrange small successes, hook their goals and use “I noticed…” statements…

Boost productivity by stimulating stubborn passivity…

Meet the needs of others by engaging the distracted inefficient…

Reduce interruptions by managing late arrivers…

And much, much more…

Why take this course?

Based on the provided text, it seems you're crafting an engaging and persuasive sales page for a training program called "Serenity" by Rule the Room Public Speaking. This program is designed to help managers, leaders, trainers, and speakers effectively handle challenging people in the workplace, such as disinterested or disgruntled employees or learners. The program promises to provide a proven system of 57 techniques and case studies that address various scenarios involving difficult individuals. Here's how you can refine and enhance the sales page content: --- **Introducing Serenity: Your Blueprint for Handling Challenging People** Are you tired of dealing with disinterested or disgruntled attitudes in your workplace? Do you find it challenging to engage and motivate your employees or learners? You're not alone. But what if there was a way to transform these difficult interactions into opportunities for growth and productivity? **With Serenity, You Get:** - **57 Proven Techniques**: A comprehensive toolkit designed to address the 8 most challenging types of people you'll encounter. - **20 Real-World Case Studies**: Learn from actual scenarios that have been masterfully navigated using the techniques we teach. - **Two Hours to Peace**: Experience immediate results and walk away with actionable strategies you can implement right away. - **Engaging and Interactive Learning**: We not only teach you these strategies but model each one for you, ensuring you can apply them effectively in your own environment. - **A Proven System**: Backed by over 10,000 hours of research and real-world application, our methods are tried, tested, and true. **Meet Your Instructor:** Jason Teteak, the Founder and CEO of Rule the Room Train the Trainer, has dedicated his career to empowering training professionals. With over 20 years of experience and a following of more than 200,000 people, Jason's unique approach has made him a respected authority in the field. His "No theoretical fluff" philosophy ensures that every technique you learn is practical, simple, and immediately actionable. **Why Choose Serenity?** - **Expert Guidance**: Learn from one of the most experienced trainers in the industry. - **Immediate Results**: Start seeing improvements as soon as you apply what you've learned. - **Versatility**: These techniques are applicable across various professional settings, from boardrooms to classrooms. - **Support and Community**: Join a community of professionals who are all committed to enhancing their training and instruction skills. - **Money-Back Guarantee**: Your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not happy with the program, we offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked refund. **Take Action Today!** Don't let challenging attitudes disrupt your workplace harmony anymore. Click the button below to gain access to Serenity and begin your journey toward a more serene and productive professional environment. --- Remember, the key to a successful sales page is clarity, persuasiveness, and the promise of tangible benefits. By emphasizing the immediate impact and practical application of the techniques, you're offering potential customers a clear value proposition that resonates with their needs and challenges.


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Our review

--- **Overview of Course "Mastering the Art of Handling Challenging People in Training and Beyond"** Global Rating: **4.48/5** Recent reviews from learners have been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the course's effectiveness in understanding and managing challenging personalities during training sessions. Here's a synthesis of the feedback and key takeaways from the course: **Pros:** - **Practical Application:** The course offers a variety of practical tools and techniques that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios, allowing learners to choose what best fits their situation. - **Diverse Material and Scenarios:** Learners appreciate the abundance of content, materials, and scenarios provided, which cater to different learning styles and personalities. - **Deep Knowledge and Professionalism:** The trainer is commended for their deep knowledge, respect, professionalism, and awareness of both the material and the audience, making the course engaging and informative. - **Real-world Relevance:** The content is not only valuable for trainers but also for anyone who has to deal with challenging people in various settings, including at work or in personal life. - **Self-reflection Opportunity:** The course encourages self-reflection, helping learners understand their own behavior and how they can improve interactions. - **Comprehensive Coverage:** It covers a wide range of challenging behaviors and provides strategies to manage them effectively. - **Engaging Presentation:** The trainer's presentation style is described as easy to follow, calm, and concise, which keeps the audience engaged without becoming overly exciting or distracting. **Cons:** - **Technical Issues:** A significant concern raised by several learners is the technical performance of the course platform, with issues such as lag, blank screens after video completion, and the inability to forward through content being reported, particularly on devices with high-speed internet like 5G. This led to a frustrating experience for some users who had to rewatch sections multiple times. - **User Interface Glitches:** There are reports of usability issues where the course does not always track completion of topics correctly, requiring learners to restart videos or navigate through the platform to ensure progress is saved. In summary, this course stands out for its rich content, practical examples, and ability to enhance professional skills in handling challenging individuals. However, technical challenges within the course delivery system need to be addressed to optimize the learning experience. Despite these issues, the course's positive impact on learners' personal and professional interactions is clear, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their approach to difficult situations. ---



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