Google Sheets - Working With Formulas and Functions

Learn how to use formulas and functions in spreadsheets to do some powerful and amazing things.

4.70 (149 reviews)
Google Sheets - Working With Formulas and Functions
1 hour
Sep 2017
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Understand what functions are and how to apply them

Full understanding of what various different functions do, and how to use them

Why take this course?

🌟 **Course Title:** Google Sheets - Working With Formulas and Functions 🎉 **Headline:** Unleash the Power of Spreadsheets with Masterful Formulas and Functions! --- **Course Description:** Are you ready to transform your spreadsheet skills from novice to ninja? 🧙‍♂️ If you've ever marveled at the complexity and power of those sleek functions others use in their Google Sheets, now's your chance to learn how they work their magic! By the end of this course, you'll be a **spreadsheet wizard** 🫫, manipulating data with ease and precision. **Why Take This Course?** - ✅ **Basic to Advanced:** Start from the ground up, learning the foundational functions and then move on to more complex formulas that can save you time and make your work shine. - ✅ **Hands-On Learning:** Each concept is reinforced with practical examples, ensuring you understand not just how to use functions, but why they're indispensable for efficient data handling. - ✅ **Real-World Applications:** Learn the skills that will allow you to tackle real-world problems and automate tasks in your professional or personal life. **Course Breakdown:** 1. **Introduction to Functions:** - Understanding the syntax and structure of functions. - Learning how to input functions correctly to avoid errors. 2. **Basic Functions Mastery:** - Exploring commonly used functions like `SUM`, `AVERAGE`, and `COUNT`. - Practicing with practical examples to solidify your understanding. 3. **Intermediate Functions Insight:** - Diving into date and time functions, like `TODAY` and `NOW`. - Using lookup and reference functions such as `VLOOKUP` and `INDEX/MATCH`. 4. **Advanced Function Combinations:** - Combining functions to perform complex calculations. - Utilizing array formulas to handle large sets of data with ease. 5. **Custom Functions and Scripts:** - Creating custom functions with `GOOGLESCRIPT` to tailor solutions to your needs. - Applying scripts to automate repetitive tasks within Google Sheets. **Who This Course Is For:** - Beginners who have a basic understanding of how spreadsheets work. - Intermediate users looking to expand their knowledge and skills. - Anyone interested in leveraging the full power of Google Sheets for personal or professional use. **Bonus:** While this course is tailored for Google Sheets, the functions we cover are highly relevant to Microsoft Excel, making your skills transferable across platforms! --- **Prerequisites:** - A basic understanding of how spreadsheets work. - If you're new to spreadsheets, consider starting with our course, "Google Sheets and Forms - Beginner to Expert". **Get Ready to:** - Master the art of formulas and functions in Google Sheets. - Become a more efficient data analyst or manager. - Impress your colleagues with your newfound spreadsheet prowess. Enroll now and embark on your journey to becoming a **spreadsheet wizard** 🧙‍♂️! Let's make your data work for you!


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Our review

--- GroupLayout and Introduction ------------ **Overview:** The online course "Mastering Google Sheets for Beginners" has received an impressive global rating of 4.70, with all recent reviews being positive. This course is designed as an introduction or refresher for individuals looking to understand the fundamentals of Google Sheets formulas and functions. **Course Content:** The course covers a range of topics suitable for beginners, including an overview of basic functions, their applications, and practical examples of how these functions can be used in everyday business contexts. --- Pros & Cons ----------- ### Pros: - **Beginner Friendly:** The course is praised for being a perfect starting point for newbies to get acquainted with Google Sheets formulas and functions. - **Practical Application:** Users have reported that they learned more than expected, with the ability to apply new skills directly to their work. - **Well Organized:** The course is commended for its well-organized content that aligns with various learning styles. - **Easy to Follow:** Instructions are clear and concise, allowing for easy understanding of critical functions like `=PROPER()` and `=VLOOKUP()`. - **Relevant Examples:** The course provides a variety of examples showing the practical use of Google Sheets in business. - **Highly Recommended:** The course is recommended by peers with beginner to intermediate skill levels and is deemed a valuable resource for those with limited time or busy schedules. ### Cons: - **Length vs. Price:** Some users feel that the course length, approximately 40 minutes, does not justify the price point of $10, especially when expecting more content. - **Content Clarity:** While the instructor is praised for clarity, there were instances where quiz questions and the provision of additional resources such as Google Sheets examples were less clear or not provided. - **Quiz Difficulty:** A few users mentioned that some quiz questions had unclear instructions, and in one instance, a question lacked a correct answer option. --- Detailed Feedback Highlights ---------------------------- **Positive Feedback:** - The course is great for beginners or as a refresher. - It is well-presented and follows a logical structure that is easy to follow. - The variety of examples provided in the course is useful and practical. - The instructor's clarity and expertise are highlighted as strengths. - Several users noted the course helped them gain critical skills and functions for their work. **Areas for Improvement:** - The course could include additional content for a better value proposition, particularly for those who have already had exposure to basic functions. - Some users suggested that supplying Google Sheets examples as resources would enhance learning. - Clarification on quiz questions and a review of the platform's feedback mechanism are needed to ensure accurate assessment and learning. --- Recommendations & Conclusion ---------------------------- **Course Recommendation:** "Mastering Google Sheets for Beginners" is highly recommended for individuals looking to get started with or enhance their understanding of Google Sheets formulas and functions. The course provides a solid foundation that can be built upon with further learning. **Final Thoughts:** While the course is well-received, there is room for improvement in terms of content length and additional resources. Addressing the quiz feedback issues will further enhance the learning experience and ensure that users have a clear understanding of the material covered. Overall, this course is a valuable asset for anyone looking to master Google Sheets basics.



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