Good manners for kids: Get them to say PLEASE and be POLITE

Raise a polite child who has more friends and is better liked by teachers. Step by step skills to improve their success.

4.45 (25 reviews)
Parenting & Relationship
Good manners for kids: Get them to say PLEASE and be POLITE
2 hours
Feb 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Discover what successful parents do that you can copy.

Know the risks and pitfalls to avoid while asking for Politeness!

You will be able to get your child to say PLEASE and be polite without threats or punishment.

You will realise that just one word you say can make everything work, or just fall apart. Yep… just one word and I will show you what that is.

Find fun ways to get your family on board instead of this being just another chore for everyone.

Learn what you should never say when you are trying to get them to say PLEASE.

You will learn how to deal with various responses from your child that will enable you to get them back on track.

Understand what you are doing that makes your child stubborn and resist you teaching them about being polite!

Learn the simple sentences that allow you to correct your child’s impoliteness without making them feel bad or resent you

Why take this course?

🎉 **Good Manners for Kids: Raise a Polite Child with PLEASE!** 🎉 **Introduction:** Have you ever wished for that secret formula for getting your children to say "please" and be polite? You probably don't believe there is one! But what if I told you that it's not just wishful thinking, and that there is a proven method to transform your child's behavior for the better? **Course Highlights:** - **Real Success Stories:** Watch our PROMO video where parents share their incredible transformations. Don't just take my word for it! 🎬 - **Expert Insights:** Discover how some parents always seem to raise polite children. Learn the strategies they use and how you can apply them too! - **Proven Techniques:** Say goodbye to threats, bribes, and frustrated "angry-eyes." This course provides a step-by-step plan that's easy to follow and demonstrates the importance of being polite yourself. - **Live Experience:** The course was filmed live, offering you a genuine glimpse into the teaching process. You'll see if I truly know my stuff... or not! 📹 - **Science Behind Politeness:** Understand the science that makes these techniques effective and watch your child's politeness flourish. - **Empower Your Parenting:** Learn how to accelerate your child's learning, handle unexpected challenges, and become an emotionally intelligent parent. - **No Shortcuts or Gimmicks:** Get ready for no-nonsense, simple, and incredibly effective steps that will make everyone feel respected and heard. **Course Instructor:** Robin Booth, a seasoned school principal with years of experience, trained his teachers in these very skills, turning the school into a beacon of politeness in South Africa. Now, he's here to help you! 🏫 **Why Enroll Today?** - **Immediate Impact:** Don't let time slip by while your child's impolite habits become ingrained. Start now and see the difference in their behavior. - **Success Beyond Manners:** Imagine the doors that will open for your child as they navigate school, social settings, and future opportunities with grace and politeness. 🌟 - **Free Updates:** All future updates to this course are free, but act now to secure the introductory price! - **Satisfaction Guaranteed:** With a 30-day money-back guarantee, there's no risk in giving this course a try. If you don't see a positive change or find value, you'll get your money back—no questions asked. That's my promise to you and your child! **Course Preview:** In the first 20 minutes of this course alone, you will learn a powerful sentence and skill that will make you wish you had enrolled years ago. Don't miss out on this opportunity to raise a polite child who is better liked by teachers and has more friends! 🤝 Enroll today and take the first step towards a more respectful, polite, and successful future for your child. Let's make good manners a habit together!


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Our review

📚 **Course Review: Teaching Children Politeness** ## Overall Rating: 4.45/5 ### Pros: - **Effective Techniques**: The course provides simple and effective methods for teaching children to be polite, with many parents reporting immediate and positive results even with very young children. - **Engaging Presentation**: Robin Booth's presentation style is described as passionate, enthusiastic, and informative, making the learning experience enjoyable and engaging. - **Real-world Application**: The course includes practical scenarios and role plays that parents can easily apply in their daily lives. It also emphasizes teaching politeness from a position of respect, which benefits both the child and the parent. - **Quality Production**: The video and audio quality are good, and the inclusion of other parents' participation during the workshop adds to the course's realism and practicality. - **Comprehensive Coverage**: The course goes beyond basic manners, offering insights into creating a better learning environment for children and fostering a respectful relationship between parent and child. - **Interactive and Fun**: The use of games and activities, such as "Minute to Win It" game, makes the process of teaching politeness both fun and interactive. ### Cons: - **Content Repeition**: Some reviewers found certain sentences or concepts within the course material to be repeated excessively, which may become tedious for some learners. - **Questionable Reviews**: There are concerns that the positive reviews might have been influenced, either through hired ratings or due to a particular bias towards the instructor's accent. ### Course Highlights: - **Expert Knowledge**: The instructor, Robin Booth, is noted for his deep understanding of the subject and ability to explain complex concepts in an understandable manner. - **Parental Support**: The course not only teaches children to be polite but also encourages parents to apply the same principles to their interactions with their children. - **Learning Environment**: The course helps create a positive environment for teaching manners, emphasizing respect and politeness as foundational skills for both parent and child. ### Summary: The course on teaching children politeness has received high praise from recent reviewers for its effectiveness, engaging content, and practical application. While some concerns regarding the repetition of material were raised, and questions about the authenticity of positive reviews were noted, the overall consensus is that this course offers valuable insights and strategies for parents looking to improve their children's (and potentially their own) polite behavior in a respectful and enjoyable manner. The quality of production and the depth of knowledge presented by Robin Booth make it a well-rounded and practical choice for anyone who interacts with children.



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Good manners for kids: Get them to say PLEASE and be POLITE - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

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