How to design your Customer Journey

to create a predictable and positive customer experience

3.70 (155 reviews)
How to design your Customer Journey
1 hour
Nov 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

How to design a customer journey

The importance of using systems and technology throughout the customer journey

Why take this course?

--- **Course Title:** Mastering the Customer Journey: Design Your Path to Predictable Success with **Gregory Jenkins** **Course Headline:** 🚀 **Unlock the Secrets to a Stellar Customer Experience!** --- **Welcome to "How to Design Your Customer Journey" – your ultimate guide to creating a predictable and positive customer experience that keeps clients coming back for more!** In today's fast-paced digital world, the brands that truly understand their customers are the ones that stand out. But what exactly does it take to design a journey that captivates and delights your audience at every touchpoint? This is where our expert course instructor, **Gregory Jenkins**, steps in with his wealth of knowledge and practical experience. --- **Course Overview:** The journey your customers take from discovery to advocacy is the foundation of their relationship with your brand. This course is meticulously crafted to help you: - **Understand the Customer Journey:** Dive deep into the phases of the customer lifecycle and what drives customer behavior. - **Design for Experience, Not Just for Transactions:** Learn how to map out a journey that's not just transactional but meaningful and memorable for your customers. - **Leverage Technology and Systems:** Utilize cutting-edge tools to streamline and enhance the customer experience at every stage. --- **What You’ll Discover in This Course 🧭:** **1. The Anatomy of a Customer Journey:** - Identifying key stages in the customer lifecycle - Recognizing the emotional and rational factors that influence decision-making **2. Mapping Your Customer Journey:** - Step-by-step guide to creating a visual map of your customer’s experience - Techniques for uncovering insights about your customers’ needs and pain points **3. Designing with the Customer in Mind:** - Crafting experiences that resonate emotionally with your audience - Aligning your brand touchpoints to provide consistent, positive interactions **4. Leveraging Technology:** - Implementing tools and software to personalize customer interactions - Using data analytics to refine and improve the journey over time **5. Measuring Success:** - Establishing KPIs to evaluate your customer journey's effectiveness - Gathering feedback and iterating on your design for continuous improvement --- **Why Take This Course? 🌟** - **Expert Insights:** Learn from Gregory Jenkins, an industry leader with a proven track record of designing exceptional customer journeys. - **Practical Application:** Apply what you learn directly to your business, with real-world examples and case studies. - **Community Support:** Join a community of like-minded professionals who are passionate about delivering exceptional customer experiences. - **Actionable Outcomes:** Leave the course equipped with actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to improve your customer journey. --- **Enroll Now and Transform Your Customer Journey! 🎓✨** Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your brand and create a customer experience that stands the test of time. With "How to Design Your Customer Journey," you'll have all the tools you need to design, implement, and continuously refine an unforgettable journey for your customers. --- Sign up today and take the first step towards mastering the art of customer experience design with **Gregory Jenkins** at your side! 🚀🎉


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Our review

🏅 **Course Review for Customer Journey Design** ### Overview The course serves as an introduction to customer journey design, with a significant portion focused on utilizing a specific tool (InfusionSoft) to facilitate the process. The content is presented through a case study, which some users found valuable despite the product-centric approach. ### Course Structure and Content - **Pros:** - *Introduction to Customer Journey Design:* The course effectively introduces the concept of customer journey design, providing a foundation for understanding its importance and what to expect in subsequent stages of project implementation. - *Case Study:* The case study, especially in the last module, offers practical insights into real-world applications and is a highlight for learners. - *Ease of Work:* The course work is designed to be user-friendly, with straightforward assignments that are easy to complete. - *Valuable Takeaways:* Some users appreciated the specific tips and takeaways, particularly in the areas of producing behaviors and understanding the customer journey before and after a purchase. - **Cons:** - *Tool Focus:* The course places a heavy emphasis on InfusionSoft as a tool for customer journey design, which some users felt detracted from a comprehensive understanding of the broader concept. - *Lack of Depth in Journey Mapping:* Several reviews indicated that there was insufficient focus on actual customer journey mapping techniques and knowledge. - *Marketing for Infusionsoft:* The course comes across as a promotion for InfusionSoft, which may not align with user expectations for learning about customer journey design. - *Presentation and Materials:* Some users felt that the course could benefit from more detailed slides and presentable materials to enhance learning experience. - *Documentation Lacking:* A desire for additional documentation, such as maps created during the course, would have been beneficial for practical application of the concepts taught. ### User Experience and Expectations - **Pros:** - *Relevant Context:* The course starts with a clear contextualization of the topic, explaining why it's important and what to expect. - *Interesting Case Study:* The case study aspect of the course was found to be interesting and thought-provoking. - *Applicability:* The course provides good takeaways that can be applied to real-world scenarios, especially when combined with other learning resources. - **Cons:** - *Not a Full Course on CJM:* Some users felt that the course was not comprehensive enough in terms of teaching the actual principles and techniques of customer journey mapping. - *Time Management Suggestion:* A few reviews suggested that new learners could skip to the last module to get the most value out of the course regarding Journey Mapping. - *Misaligned Expectations:* Given its title, users expected a more balanced approach to customer journey design, rather than an infomercial for InfusionSoft. ### Summary The course offers a starting point for understanding customer journey design, with a focus on the tool InfusionSoft and real-world case studies. It is best suited as an add-on to complement other more comprehensive courses on the subject. Users with prior knowledge in this area found it helpful but not transformative. The course's free nature is acknowledged by users, who note that you get what you "pay" for, with room for improvement in terms of content depth and presentation materials. For those interested in learning about customer journey mapping, it is recommended to look for more detailed courses that offer a broader and deeper understanding of the subject matter.



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