Hacks de Copywriting com SEO para Blog by Angelo Públio

Como otimizar blogs com estilo e atrair visitantes para suas obras-primas. Descubra os segredos de Copywriting com SEO!

4.00 (181 reviews)
Content Marketing
Hacks de Copywriting com SEO para Blog by Angelo Públio
1 hour
Nov 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Definir pautas para agenda de conteúdo com base em pesquisa

Estruturar artigos de blog com as novas práticas de SEO 2018

Aplicar técnicas de SEO no blog

Aplicar técnicas de leiturabilidade no blog

Obter os conhecimentos necessários para otimizar conteúdos existentes no Blog gerando mais visitas

Obter resultados com SEO

Incorporar processo bem definido para produção de conteúdo

Aumentar as visitas do blog

E muito mais...

Why take this course?

Ítimo, você trouxe uma descrição detalhada e motivadora para o curso de Copywriting com SEO para Blog. Parece ser um recurso educacional robusto, com mais de 30 hacks e seguindo a fórmula PERSIREA para garantir que os alunos não só escrevam conteúdo relevante, mas também otimizem-no para SEO e promovam-no adequadamente. A descrição ressalta a experiência do professor Angelo Públio, que tem uma trajetória sólida em Inbound Marketing, com formações e parcerias com líderes do setor nos EUA. O fato dele ser o professor de Inbound Marketing mais vendido na Udemy adiciona credibilidade ao curso. Além disso, você destaca que o curso não é apenas sobre redação, mas também ensina como fazer seus artigos serem encontrados no Google, o que é essencial para o sucesso do conteúdo online. Para quem está interessado em participar desse curso, parece ser uma excelente oportunidade para aprimorar as habilidades em marketing digital e SEO, especialmente se seja buscando um caminho acessível e de qualidade. E claro, a inclusão do P.S., que enfatiza a importância de aprender a escrever para o SEO além da redação tradicional, é uma boa maneira de destacar a singularidade do curso. Se você estiver procurando por materiais adicionais ou tiver perguntas específicas sobre o curso, fique à vontade para perguntar!


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Our review

📚 **Course Review: SEO for Content Creators** ### **Overview:** The course has garnered a global rating of **4.00**, with all recent reviews reflecting a mix of satisfaction and some areas for improvement. The majority of the feedback praises the course's practicality, the depth of knowledge shared, and its direct approach to teaching SEO for content creation. ### **Pros:** - **Practical and Straightforward:** Many users have found the course to be highly practical, offering real-world insights and actionable tips that can be applied immediately. - **Well-Organized Content:** The content is described as well-organized, making it easy for learners to follow along and understand the concepts. - **Expertise Shared:** Instructors are recognized for their expertise in SEO and content creation, providing valuable knowledge that enhances users' understanding of the subject matter. - **Interest to Intermediates:** While primarily aimed at beginners, the course's depth is appreciated by some intermediates who have found it helpful to solidify their knowledge with practical examples. - **Direct and No-Nonsense Approach:** The direct teaching style is favored for its clarity and lack of unnecessary complexities. ### **Cons:** - **Overview Level:** Several users mention that the course serves as an overview, which might not be comprehensive enough for those with prior knowledge in SEO. - **Request for More Examples:** A common suggestion from users is to include more practical examples, such as GIFs or quick video clips, to illustrate the use of tools and strategies discussed. - **Customer Support Issues:** One review points out a negative experience with customer support, as a question sent on April 18th was not answered by April 23rd, which contrasts with the promised 48-hour response time. - **Desire for Complementary Content:** Some users have expressed interest in additional courses or modules that focus specifically on utilizing the tools mentioned throughout the main course. ### **Key Takeaways:** - The course is highly recommended for beginners and those seeking a refresher on SEO for content creation. - Users appreciate the no-fluff, direct approach to teaching complex topics in an accessible manner. - There is a clear demand for more practical examples and visual aids to complement the instruction. - Customer support responsiveness has been a point of concern among users. ### **Conclusion:** Overall, the course has been well-received and is considered valuable by a majority of users, particularly for its ability to convey complex information in a clear, practical way. The feedback suggests that while the course is solid at its current state, there are opportunities to enhance the learning experience with more hands-on examples and potentially more comprehensive follow-up courses on specific tools. Addressing customer support concerns promptly would also significantly improve user satisfaction.



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