CUDA programming Masterclass with C++

Learn parallel programming on GPU's with CUDA from basic concepts to advance algorithm implementations.

4.18 (1529 reviews)
Programming Languages
CUDA programming Masterclass with C++
11 hours
Nov 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

All the basic knowladge about CUDA programming

Ability to desing and implement optimized parallel algorithms

Basic work flow of parallel algorithm design

Advance CUDA concepts

Why take this course?

🚀 **CUDA Programming Masterclass with C++** 🎓 **_Learn parallel programming on GPU's from basic concepts to advanced algorithm implementations._** --- ## Your Journey into CUDA Programming Begins Here! Welcome to the comprehensive **"CUDA Programming Masterclass with C++"** course, where you will dive deep into the world of parallel programming on GPU's. This course is designed to take you from the foundational concepts of CUDA through to mastering advanced algorithm implementations. 🌟 ### **Course Highlights:** - **Introduction to CUDA Programming and CUDA Model** 📚: Get acquainted with the fundamentals of CUDA, understanding its unique programming model, which sets it apart from traditional sequential computing. - **CUDA Execution Model** 🎬: Learn how CUDA manages parallel execution on the GPU, including thread and block organization, and how this affects performance optimization. - **CUDA Memory Model** 🛠️: Explore the different types of memory in CUDA (Global, Shared, Constant), their usage, and implications for efficient memory access patterns. - **CUDA Streams** 🚀: Understand how to manage concurrent operations with streams, optimizing execution for best performance on modern GPUs. - **Tuning CUDA Instruction Level Primitives** 🔨: Gain insights into fine-grained tuning techniques that can significantly boost the performance of your CUDA kernels. - **Algorithm Implementation with CUDA** 🧬: Translate complex algorithms into high-performance CUDA code, leveraging the power of parallel computation to solve real-world problems. - **CUDA Tools** 🛠️: Master profiling and debugging tools such as `nvprof`, `nvvp`, CUDA Memcheck, and CUDA-GDB to monitor, analyze, and optimize your GPU applications. ### **Hands-on Learning with Practical Exercises** Throughout this course, you'll engage in numerous programming exercises and quizzes tailored to help you internalize the concepts and apply them effectively. These practical tasks are essential for deepening your understanding and becoming proficient in CUDA programming. 👩‍💻✨ ### **Why This Course?** - **Performance Focus**: CUDA is all about leveraging the power of GPUs to achieve superior performance compared to traditional CPUs. You'll learn how to optimize algorithms for this purpose. - **Advanced Techniques**: Beyond the basics, this course will equip you with advanced optimization techniques that are crucial for high-performance computing tasks. - **Comprehensive Toolkit**: By understanding the CUDA toolkit and its associated profiling and debugging tools, you'll be able to diagnose and resolve issues in your GPU applications effectively. ### **Who Is This Course For?** This course is perfect for: - Developers looking to extend their skillset with parallel programming on GPUs. - Software engineers aiming to write performance-critical code for scientific, data analysis, or gaming applications. - Researchers and academics who want to explore high-performance computing (HPC) on GPU architectures. ### **What's Inside?** - In-depth video lectures covering all the topics mentioned above. - Real-world examples and case studies. - Step-by-step coding exercises with detailed solutions. - Access to a supportive community of fellow learners and experts. - A comprehensive resource guide for further reading and exploration. ### **Get Started Today!** Embark on your journey to mastering CUDA programming with this Masterclass. Enroll now and unlock the potential of modern GPUs in your projects! 💻🚀 --- Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your coding skills and harness the power of GPU computing with **CUDA Programming Masterclass with C++**. Let's accelerate your development journey together! 🎉


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Our review

--- **Overall Course Rating:** 4.27/5 **Latest Reviews Summary:** **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** The course provides a thorough dive into CUDA fundamentals, including theory and practical exercises. - **Real-World Application:** It prepares learners for real-world parallel computing challenges with a focus on GPGPU. - **Advanced Topics:** The course builds up from basic concepts to very advanced topics, offering a great understanding of the subject matter. - **Useful Resources:** The course includes fantastic visual aids and clear explanations that are often missing in other treatments of CUDA. - **Hands-On Practice:** There are numerous opportunities for practical application, leading to mastery of CUDA programming. - **Theoretical Explanation:** Theoretic explanations are detailed and elucidate intricate concepts effectively. **Cons:** - **Accent Challenges:** Some learners found the instructor's accent difficult to understand, requiring repeated listening or slowed playback. - **Technology Deprecation:** The course uses tools like `nvprof` that are being deprecated, which may cause confusion for learners who need to use more current tools like Nsight Tools. - **Accessibility Issues:** Some video content was blurred, and captions were necessary to understand the demonstrations. - **Context Lacks in Places:** At least one learner felt that some examples were thrown in without adequate context, leading to confusion. - **Potential for Improvement:** Additional examples, exercises, and clearer video quality would enhance understanding. A sequel course is proposed to cover advanced topics like image processing, physics simulations, and machine learning. **Learner Experience Highlights:** - The course has been described as very useful for students of parallel programming, with many learners finding it more than enough for their needs. - It is a great resource for those new to CUDA, providing practical and clearly explained content. - Learners have noted the importance of the course's content extending beyond NVidia hardware, being applicable to AMD systems as well. **Recommendations:** - For learners who prefer clearer English pronunciation, it is recommended to seek alternative resources that offer similar content but with a different presenter. - The course could benefit from the inclusion of subtitles or an additional presenter to cater to those who struggle with the accent. - Learners are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the current state of CUDA tools and perhaps seek supplemental materials that address the use of newer tools like Nsight Tools. - The development of a sequel course is highly recommended to cover more complex topics within the realm of GPGPU, as proposed by one learner. **Final Thoughts:** The course is well-regarded for its depth and breadth in covering CUDA programming and parallel programming principles. While there are some challenges with accessibility and the adaptation to new tools, the course remains a solid foundation for learners. A sequel that addresses current technology and offers more in-depth practical examples would greatly enhance its overall value.



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