Crea tu Customer Journey Map Digital

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4.70 (61 reviews)
Crea tu Customer Journey Map Digital
2.5 hours
Sep 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

1 Plantilla para Crear Perfil de Cliente

1 Plantilla para Documentar tu Customer Journey Map

7 Presentaciones Power Point

1 Herramienta GRATUITA para crear Customer Journey Map

Crear un Perfil de Cliente para realizar ventas dirigidas

Definir actividades para incrementar conversiones

Paso a paso para trazar al 100% el viaje del cliente

Estrategia para crear y usar la curva emocional para fidelizar clientes

Cómo optimizar las actividades del negocio para vender y fidelizar clientes

Why take this course?

¿Has visto un anuncio en Internet que describe exactamente lo que necesitas y decides comprarlo de inmediato? Esto es por que alguien se encargó de hacer un Customer Journey Map para asegurarse de llegar a ti. Si quieres lograr que tus clientes se identifiquen con tus contenidos y campañas este curso es para ti.

¿Dónde está el cuello de botella de tu negocio? Encontrar en qué punto específico deberías mejorar: atracción, marketing, conversión, ventas, servicio al cliente o servicio post-venta es posible al crear un Customer Journey Map.

Crea paso a paso el Customer Journey Map para tu negocio usando una herramienta online, encuentra los Momentos de Verdad para implementar mejoras y maximiza las oportunidades de prospección, venta y retención.

Aterriza el Perfil de Cliente Ideal con preguntas estratégicas que te permitan definir desde los básicos del perfil demográfico, hasta un perfil tecnológico, profesional y motivacional.

Al final del curso tendras una Lista de Actividades Estratégicas que impacten tus KPIs (Key Performance Indicators o Indicadores de Desempeño) en el corto, mediano y largo plazo.

No necesitas experiencia previa para este curso. Simplemente tener un negocio o una idea de negocio y entusiasmo por el marketing y la creación de marcas.

¿Estás listo? ¡Es hora de comenzar!


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Our review

📚 **Course Review Synthesis** **Overall Rating:** 4.70 **Recent Reviews Analysis:** **Pros:** - The course is considered a solid introduction to the topic, providing valuable insights into implementing marketing strategies by understanding the client (5/5 rating). - It was highly praised for its applicability in real-world scenarios and for enhancing the participant's knowledge of their clients (4.7/5 rating). - The materials provided, including PDFs and the online platform, were appreciated and found to be useful tools (4/5 rating). - A significant portion of the reviews commend the course for being innovative, particularly in its approach to the methodology presented (4.3/5 rating). - The content was described as "absolutely novel" in terms of the proposed method, with a strong emphasis on the client's perspective (4.7/5 rating). - The course was also recognized for its engaging and entertaining delivery of valuable information (5/5 rating). **Cons:** - Some users felt that the introduction to the course was too lengthy and could be streamlined (3.2/5 rating). - There were comments regarding a lack of profundity in certain areas, with one example of an unedited video with multiple takes superimposed without proper editing (3.5/5 rating). - The absence of clear tools for answering "Preguntas Detonantes" was noted. The discussion raised questions about the most effective tools or strategies for addressing these critical questions, especially for a Client Digital (3.7/5 rating). - A suggestion was made to improve the introduction by consolidating the initial five chapters, which may have been seen as redundant (3/5 rating). - One review pointed out that there might be a need for better integration of the tools and concepts provided in the course (3.6/5 rating). **Additional Feedback:** - Isaac highlighted a concern regarding the method to answer "Preguntas Detonantes" and proposed alternatives like content exchange or email campaigns with discount coupons after completing surveys (3.9/5 rating). The question remains whether these methods are ideal or more efficient for this purpose. **Final Thoughts:** The course receives high marks for its comprehensive approach, practical tools, and engaging content that is highly relevant to marketing strategies focused on client understanding. However, there is room for improvement in terms of content structure, tool specificity, and clarity in the introduction. The feedback suggests that with a few adjustments, this course could be an even more valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their marketing skills and better understand their clients' digital profiles.



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