College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level

Learn One Yearโ€™s College Chinese Curriculum in Just Two Months and Save Ten Thousand Dollars of Tuition

4.95 (422 reviews)
College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own  Beginning Level
18 hours
Jul 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn Chinese sound system (pinyin) and writing system; learn conversational dialogues based on the same range of vocabulary, grammar and topics as in the Beginning Chinese Course of most North American and European universities, such as greetings, family, dates and time, hobbies, visiting friends, making appointments, learning Chinese, school life, shopping, transportation, weather, dining, asking direction, and party.

The students will learn 1 year's worth of college Chinese curriculum (with the same range of vocabulary, grammar and dialogue topics) in just two months (half an hour per day) totally on their own, and with the same degree of proficiency achieved. They can conduct speech in most daily situations and write more than 1000 Chinese characters.

Why take this course?

๐ŸŒŸ **College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own - Beginning Level** ๐ŸŒŸ --- ### Course Headline: #### Learn One Yearโ€™s College Chinese Curriculum in Just Two Months and Save Ten Thousand Dollars of Tuition! --- ### Course Description: Chinese, a language that has captivated the world's attention as China steps onto the global stage, is not just a language of commerce but also one of culture, history, and thought. With its growing importance in various fields, proficiency in Mandarin Chinese has become an asset for anyone looking to broaden their career opportunities. **For College Students & Adult Learners Alike:** Are you a college student or an adult learner who has always aspired to study Chinese but found the time and cost prohibitive? Or perhaps you're a middle school or high school student looking to accelerate your learning and place into a higher level of college Chinese? This course is your ideal solution! In just **two months**, this course will guide you through the same content that a traditional one-year College Beginning Chinese Course would cover. You'll master essential vocabulary, grammar, and situational dialogues that are vital for everyday communication. By completing this course, you'll save more than **$10,000** in college tuition while accelerating your learning journey at the comfort of your home. --- ### Why Choose This Course? ๐ŸŽ“ - **Expert Instruction:** Led by Professor Hong Zeng, an award-winning Chinese professor with over 16 years of experience and two PhDs to her name. - **Proven Success:** A methodology that has successfully doubled enrollment in her college courses. - **Comprehensive Curriculum:** 8 sections and 165 lectures (18 hours) that cover everything from Chinese phonetics, writing systems, and daily usage in various situations like greetings, family, time, hobbies, making appointments, and more. - **Engaging Learning:** Hundreds of images and a immersive approach to make learning dynamic, fun, and effective. - **Pathway to Fluency:** This course is the first in a series that will take you from a beginner to an advanced Chinese speaker within just 6 months, saving up to **$30,000** in college tuition. --- ### What You Will Learn: - **Chinese Phonetics and Writing Systems:** Get comfortable with Mandarin pronunciation and characters. - **Daily Situational Language:** Navigate everyday conversations with confidence. - **Cultural Insights:** Gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture through its language. - **Advanced Learning Opportunities:** Progress to intermediate and advanced levels with our upcoming courses. --- ### Your Instructor: #### Professor Hong Zeng ๐Ÿซ A distinguished Chinese language professor, holding two PhDs in Chinese and Comparative Language and Literature. With over 16 years of teaching experience at prestigious liberal arts colleges and national universities in America, Professor Zeng has consistently demonstrated her passion for the language and its culture. Her innovative methods have led to a remarkable increase in course enrollment, making her an ideal mentor for this online course. --- Enroll now and take your first step towards mastering Mandarin Chinese! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ With "College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own - Beginning Level," you're not just learning a language; you're opening doors to a world of opportunities. Join us, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!


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Our review

๐Ÿ“‚ **Overview** The course has received an overall rating of **4.95**, with recent reviews painting a picture of a comprehensive yet challenging learning experience for beginners. The majority of reviews praise the instructor's knowledge and teaching methods, while suggesting some improvements for new learners. ๐Ÿ“Œ **Strengths** - **Thoroughness**: The course is described as "meticulous" and "comprehensive," providing a solid foundation for learning Chinese. - **Quality of Instruction**: Professor Hong, the instructor, is commended for her thorough explanations on phonetics, use of radicals, and stroke order. - **Expertise**: The instructor's expertise and experience in teaching Mandarin are highlighted as significant strengths of the course. - **Material Quality**: The course material is preferred over text-heavy slideshows and other online courses. - **Real-World Application**: The course includes examples that show what not to do, which helps learners to critically assess their understanding of the material. - **Recommendation**: The course is highly recommended by learners who have found it to be a valuable resource for mastering Mandarin Chinese. ๐Ÿ” **Areas for Improvement** - **Accessibility for Beginners**: Some reviewers mention that the teaching style takes some getting used to, especially for those with prior experience only in European languages. - **Mistakes and Gaps**: A few reviews note minor mistakes within the course and occasional introductions of words before they have been covered, which can be a bit frustrating as it sometimes requires learners to resort to external resources like Google Translate. - **Promo Video Relevance**: One reviewer suggests that the promotional video could be more effective if it were only available before purchase, to avoid redundancy for enrolled students. ๐Ÿค **Learner Experience** - **Engagement**: The course is described as "fun" and a "challenge," indicating that learners are engaged and enjoying the process of mastering Mandarin. - **Curiosity**: The curriculum seems to pique the curiosity of learners, encouraging them to dive deeper into the language. - **Expectation vs. Reality**: While some reviewers expressed initial concerns about the course, many have been pleasantly surprised by the depth and breadth of the material covered. ๐Ÿ“ˆ **Outcomes** - **Language Mastery**: Learners who have completed sections of the course report being able to read and pronounce pinyin finals with greater ease. - **Confidence**: The comprehensive nature of the course instills confidence in learners that they will be prepared for language proficiency tests, such as HSK, and college placement tests. - **Personal Growth**: The course is seen as a catalyst for personal growth, with learners expressing anticipation and commitment to completing the course and achieving their language goals. In conclusion, this Mandarin Chinese course is highly regarded for its educational content and expert instruction. While it presents a challenge, particularly for beginners, the majority of students find it to be an invaluable resource that significantly contributes to learning Mandarin Chinese. The course's strengths far outweigh the minor areas that need improvement, making it a well-rounded choice for those looking to learn or improve their skills in this language.



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