Automation Testing using Selenium & Katalon Studio

Learn to automate web application with Katalon Studio , which is as simple as using the excel file

4.44 (2238 reviews)
Software Testing
Automation Testing using Selenium & Katalon Studio
19.5 hours
Apr 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Web application automation and test framework

Mouse and keyboard action for automation

Handling the actions which can be perform on the browser for automation

Test Suite creation and execution them in sequence/parallel

Continuous Integration

Why take this course?

🚀 **Master Automation Testing with Ease using Katalon Studio!** 👨‍💻 **About Your Instructor:** Meet Rahul Singh Rathore, a seasoned expert in the realm of software testing and automation. With years of experience and a passion for making complex concepts simple, he's here to guide you through the world of Katalon Studio. 🚀 **Course Title:** Automation Testing using Selenium & Katalon Studio 🎓 📖 **Course Description:**

Are you an IT professional looking to dive into the exciting field of automation testing but daunted by the prospect of learning yet another programming language? Fear not! This comprehensive course is designed to empower you with the skills to automate web applications using Katalon Studio, a revolutionary tool that allows you to do so without relying on complex programming languages.

Why Choose Katalon Studio? It's simple - Katalon Studio is an intuitive and powerful automation platform built on top of the Selenium library. It offers a suite of features that are essential for any modern test automation framework, including:

  1. Easy suite creation
  2. Parallel test running
  3. Detailed report generation
  4. Seamless Continuous Integration (CI) support

These features come out of the box, making Katalon Studio a game-changer in the world of test automation.

💡 **What You'll Learn:** - ✅ **Understanding Katalon Studio Interface**: Get familiar with the tool and its capabilities. - ✅ **Creating Your First Automated Test**: Follow along with practical exercises to write your first test script in Katalon Studio. - ✅ **Advanced Features**: Dive deeper into advanced features like parallel testing, data-driven testing, and more. - ✅ **Reporting & Analysis**: Learn how to generate detailed reports and analyze test results effectively. - ✅ **Integration with CI/CD Pipelines**: Understand how Katalon Studio fits into continuous integration and delivery workflows. 🌐 **Hands-On Learning:**

Throughout this course, you'll engage in hands-on activities that will solidify your understanding of Katalon Studio. You'll learn by doing, which means you'll be writing test scripts as simple as editing an Excel file. And don't worry if you have questions – Rahul is always there to provide support and guidance in the discussion corner.

📦 **Course Materials:** - ✅ Access to downloadable frameworks and test scripts used throughout the course. - ✅ Comprehensive lecture notes for future reference. - ✅ Sample datasets to practice your skills. 🎓 **Who Is This Course For?** - IT professionals looking to transition into automation testing. - Testers who want to enhance their test automation skills without the need for extensive programming knowledge. - Anyone interested in learning Katalon Studio and applying it to real-world scenarios. 🎉 **Take the leap into the future of test automation with Katalon Studio! Enroll now and transform your testing career.** 🎯 Join us, and let's embark on this journey together to make test automation accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone! 🤝


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Our review

--- **Course Overview:** The "Learn Katalon Studio: Automation Made Easy" course has received a global rating of 4.47 from recent reviews. The course seems to be well-received for its clear explanations, comprehensive coverage of main topics, and practical examples. However, some users have raised concerns about the clarity of English subtitles, the setup process for Android, the lack of exercises for deeper learning, and the outdated content with references to an older version of Katalon (version 4 in 2017 as opposed to the current version 8 in 2023). **Pros:** - **Clear and Understandable Content:** The course has been praised for its clear explanations, with several users highlighting the instructor's ability to convey complex concepts in a simple manner. - **Logical Structure:** The course structure is appreciated for its logical flow and the inclusion of numerous usage examples. - **Practical Application:** Users have noted that after completing the lessons, one would be well-versed in Katalon Studio. - **In-Depth Knowledge:** The course provides in-depth knowledge, especially on practical features such as using JavaScript and leveraging Selenium Webdriver functions. - **Virtual Machine Setup:** Some users have appreciated the setup of a virtual machine by the instructor to facilitate learning. - **Ease of Learning:** The course is considered easy to follow and is seen as a good starting point for those eager to learn Katalon. - **Positive Community Feedback:** Many users recommend the course, indicating its value in understanding Katalon Studio. **Cons:** - **English Subtitles Issue:** A few reviews mention that the English subtitles are sometimes out of sync with the instructor's speech. - **Setup Process:** Some users found the setup process for Android and the installation of all components to be problematic, suggesting an alternative installation method. - **Lack of Exercises:** There is a consensus that the course would benefit from the inclusion of exercises, assignments, or quizzes to aid in deeper comprehension of the material. - **Outdated Content:** The content appears to be outdated as it references an older version of Katalon (version 4), and some users recommend waiting for updated videos that include recent features like mobile automation and web services testing. - **Limited Scope of Topics:** A few reviews indicate a desire for more coverage on specific topics such as mobile testing, web service testing, and creating custom keywords. **General Feedback:** - Users from around the world have expressed satisfaction with the course's content, which is explained in a clear and understandable manner. - The course is recommended to those who want to learn Katalon Studio, particularly if they are also considering learning Selenium Java. - It is suggested that more examples be provided for complex topics like handling iframes or reducing repetitive videos that cover the same tasks in both manual and script modes. - The course has been recognized as a valuable resource by users who have completed it, with many expressing gratitude for the knowledge imparted. - A few users have pointed out that more application scenarios would enhance their understanding of the concepts. **Final Verdict:** The "Learn Katalon Studio: Automation Made Easy" course is a solid resource for those looking to learn Katalon, with its strong points being the clarity and depth of explanation. However, potential students should be aware of the outdated content and consider the lack of recent updates before enrolling. It is recommended that learners look for additional resources or wait for updated versions of the course that address the current version of Katalon (version 8) and include more practical, hands-on exercises.



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