Total Beginners' Guide: How to use an Android Smartphone

A beginner's guide to Android smartphones, from a to z in mobile help

3.80 (261 reviews)
Total Beginners' Guide: How to use an Android Smartphone
1.5 hours
May 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Use the most common functions and features of your Android Device.

Download and use a range of Apps from the Google Play Store.

Understand what services Google provides and how to access them.

Manage your Google account.

Why take this course?

📱 **Total Beginners' Guide: How to use an Android Smartphone** 🚀 --- ### **Why take this course?** Are you feeling overwhelmed by your new Android smartphone? *You're not alone!* This course is designed for those who have felt out of place in the fast-paced world of mobile technology. Whether it's frustration, fear, or simply a lack of know-how that's kept you from fully embracing your device, this **Beginner's Guide to Android Smartphones** will transform your experience with your smartphone from frustrating to empowering. - **Overcome the intimidation factor:** Say goodbye to the days of feeling like a dummy when it comes to your phone. - **Stay connected with ease:** Learn how to keep in touch with your family and friends without the technology seeming too hard. - **Navigate common issues confidently:** If you know a little about computers or smartphones but feel lost when things go wrong, this course will guide you through common problems and solutions. - **Practical skills for the real world:** For those who are practical learners and like to do things for themselves, this course provides the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your smartphone experience. --- ### **What this course can do for you:** Embarking on this learning journey will not only provide you with the necessary skills but also the confidence to explore the vast capabilities of your Android device. - **Quickstart with new devices:** Get up and running with a new smartphone without feeling like a complete novice. - **Learn simple apps that make life easier:** Discover a selection of user-friendly apps tailored to enhance your daily life. - **Explore essential apps:** While there are thousands of apps available, this course will introduce you to a handful that are truly useful and beneficial for everyday use. - **Build confidence with the basics:** Master the fundamentals of smartphone usage so that you can confidently continue to explore more advanced features and capabilities at your own pace. --- **Epic Learning with Epic Instructor** is here to turn your Android device from a mysterious gadget into an indispensable tool, all within a supportive and engaging learning environment. 📘 Join us on this journey and take the first step towards becoming an Android smartphone pro! Enroll in "Total Beginners' Guide: How to use an Android Smartphone" today and unlock a world of possibilities at your fingertips! 🧭🎉


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Our review

👩‍🏫 **Course Review for Android Basics for Absolute Beginners** ### Introduction The course "Android Basics for Absolute Beginners" is designed to guide individuals who are new to smartphone technology, particularly those using Android devices. It covers a range of topics from the most basic functions to more intermediate features, aiming to empower users to navigate and utilize their Android phones effectively. The global rating for this course stands at 3.80, with recent reviews providing insights into both the strengths and areas for improvement. ### Pros - **User-Friendly**: Many users found the course informative and user-friendly, expressing gratitude for the clear guidance provided. - **Engaging Content**: The course includes engaging videos that serve as great demos, helping learners to grasp the concepts more easily. - **Diverse Perspectives**: The course introduces learners to different English accents, particularly from New Zealand, which adds an interesting cultural element to the learning experience. - **For All Ages**: The course is suitable for a wide range of users, including complete beginners and those switching from flip phones to smartphones. - **Coverage of Basic Functions**: It starts from the very basics, ensuring that learners with no prior smartphone experience can follow along and learn at their own pace. - **Practical Application**: The course offers practical exercises that help learners apply what they've learned directly to their devices. ### Cons - **Variety in Devices**: Some users noted that the course may work better for certain Android models than others, particularly if the device interface differs significantly from what is demonstrated. - **Pacing and Clarity**: A few learners found the pace of the course too fast or the explanations not clear enough, which could be a barrier for complete beginners. - **Common Sense Information**: Some reviewers felt that the information provided was common sense and something they could have figured out on their own, suggesting the course may not offer new insights to more experienced users. - **Accent Comprehension**: The Australian/New Zealand accent might be challenging for some international learners to understand, making it difficult to follow along without subtitles or closed captions. - **Wide Range of Skill Levels**: While the course is helpful for absolute beginners, it may not offer advanced features for users who already have a good grasp of their Android devices. ### Additional Considerations - **Pace and Complexity Adjustment**: To improve the course, it might be beneficial to offer different paces or complexity levels within the same course to cater to both beginners and those looking for more advanced instruction. - **Integration of Practice Exercises**: A clear goal with confirming practice exercises in each section could enhance learning by allowing users to apply their knowledge in real-time. - **Accessibility Features**: Including closed captions or subtitles could make the course more accessible to a broader audience, including those with hearing impairments or those who prefer written reinforcement of spoken content. ### Conclusion Overall, "Android Basics for Absolute Beginners" is a valuable course that has positively impacted many learners by helping them navigate their Android devices with greater confidence and skill. While some aspects could be improved to cater to a wider range of skill levels and preferences, the course remains a solid resource for those who are just starting out with smartphones or who wish to brush up on the basics. With clear explanations, user-friendly content, and a focus on practical application, this course is well-received by its audience and serves as an excellent introduction to Android devices.



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